Shooting Classes
Precision Rifle - June 25th 2022 8am- 2pm - $50.00
Learn to shoot a rifle accurately and at long distances or refresh your skills
Rifle Scope and Iron Sight use
Shooting Positions- how to have good position for accurate shooting
Precision Rifle Shooting skills - how to shoot accurately
How to read the wind and the mirage
Ammunition Basics - What are those numbers on the ammo box, how do I choose ammo, and what should I expect from it.
How to engage a moving target and hit it
Range Time - you will shoot 50 rounds at varied distances
What you will need - A centerfire rifle with sights or a rifle scope. Please no red dot. 50 rounds of ammunition for your rifle, rifle sling. Wear outdoor clothing with closed toe shoes. The range is in an outdoor setting in the desert so please dress accordingly.
Classroom time will be at 929 E Treasure, Pearce, AZ 85625